Attitude for Learning
The Attitude for Learning (AfL) of students at Oakgrove is crucial to their success. The school not only utilises praise for success, but also challenges those aspects of student behaviour which would slow their progress. One of the keys to Oakgrove’s high standards of behaviour is our stamp system. It offers the opportunity for students to succeed and be rewarded for success, as well as sharing with parents their child’s achievements and/or areas for focus.
Students can achieve Merits and Commendations for many different types of positive behaviours from very good classwork to volunteering in the community. Students will also receive a stamp from each lesson if they have met the required expectations Oakgrove has of all of its students. Rewards are presented throughout the academic year.
Behaviours not in keeping with a positive attitude for learning are addressed with the appropriate code being noted in the planners, so parents can be fully informed of all aspects of their child’s progress at Oakgrove. This information, plus much more, can also be accessed through the SIMS Parent App for tablet and smartphone devices.
A code is added for students not bringing with them the correct equipment (E), lateness to lessons (L), not handing in or poor quality homework (H1/H2), mobile phone out or heard in school (P) and poor standard of uniform (U). Behaviour in lessons is also coded and has a sliding scale dependent on the issue (B1-B5). Each of these codes carries a points value and some carry an appropriate consequence.
Depending on the total number of points accrued over a week, then a report may be issued, with the aim of helping the student refocus on positive behaviours, whilst informing all parties of their progress.
The school also has a Behaviour and Guidance Room, which is used to help students reflect on issues that have arisen whilst learning away from their usual classroom environment.
Oakgrove’s ideals of excellence, innovation and respect are embedded throughout the Attitude for Learning system. We strive for excellence, whilst innovating when possible, but always with mutual respect between staff and our learning community of students. We praise whenever possible and aim to encourage improvement when needed.
Oakgrove School is part of the Milton Keynes Behaviour Partnership and may occasionally use the alternative provision provided by:
Bridge Academy, Jonathans, Coffee Hall, Milton Keynes MK6 5DE
URN: 140252
Ofsted Rating: Good
Northampton Saints Foundation Engage Programme, Northampton NN5 5BG
UKPRN: 10090046
Milton Keynes College, Chaffron Way Centre, Woughton Campus West, Leadenhall, Milton Keynes MK6 5LP
URN: 130609
Ofsted Rating: Good