Oakgrove School prides itself on promoting a learning environment which encourages resilience and enables all students to become independent learners.

The support provided to a student with SEND is based on a full understanding of the student’s particular strengths and needs; the school seeks to address this by using early identification of needs to provide targeted support and intervention, which reduces barriers to learning and enables progress. Oakgrove understands that no two students' needs are the same and they often change over time, as a result staff feel passionately about being innovative in their approach. The school try to build a positive partnership, where professionals and parents/carers work together and are fully involved in the support for their child. Regular meetings are held with parents, teachers, the SENDCo or Deputy SENDCo and the student to review progress and the programme of learning.

The aim is to provide an inclusive education for all learners; including those with special needs or disabilities. Students with SEND have their needs met through ‘Quality First Teaching’, with the option of additional complimentary support where necessary, including: for all learners; including those with special needs or disabilities. Students with SEND have their needs met through ‘Quality First Teaching’ with the option of additional complimentary support where necessary such as:

  • 1:1 or small group intervention sessions with a member of the Learning Advice team
  • Inclusive learning environments to encourage the development of key skills and independent learning
  • Peer Reading and literacy support schemes
  • Mentoring schemes for social and emotional support

SENDCo Contacts


Mrs L Rogers - SENDCo

Mrs S Hobbs - Deputy SENDCo


Mrs Adams - SENDCo

The Local Offer & SEND Report

The local offer is listed on the Milton Keynes council website and provides key information for parents/carers of children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) in Milton Keynes. It exists to inform parents/carers about the support and provision that is available across local settings. Oakgrove’s SEN Information Report details the support and provision provided at Oakgrove School which contributes to the Milton Keynes Local Offer.

SEND Policy and Information Report

Local Offer

The school is designed to be fully accessible and provide easy access for all students, parents/carers and staff with disabilities.

Disability and Accessibility Development Plan