Schools Minister Lord Agnew Congratulates A Level Students

15 August 2019

Students, staff and parents at Oakgrove School have celebrated an increase in attainment across all A Level subjects and applied courses and were delighted with the recognition from Schools Minister Lord Agnew of Oulton.

The number of students awarded A level grades A* – B has risen by 6%, with over 80% of students securing places at their first choice of university. These include top Russell Group universities, Nottingham, Birmingham and Kings College London to study Medicine, Physics and International Management.

Applauding the achievements of Oakgrove’s Year 13 students and thanking the teachers for their tireless hard work and enthusiasm, Headteacher, Ian Tett, said:

“The drive, commitment and aptitude of our sixth form students is evident in the increase in A Level and applied course grades. Two years of encouragement and dedication by Oakgrove’s staff, along with the invaluable support from families, has helped ensure that students have secured places at some of the best universities in the country.

“We are delighted that 99.1% of students achieved A Level grades A* – E and are particularly pleased with the increase of attainment in applied courses, as these were designed to be more challenging in order to raise standards.

“We wish all our students continued success, whether they are pursuing further education or are commencing an apprenticeship or employment.”

Schools Minister Lord Agnew added:

“Today marks the culmination of much hard work from students and teachers alike, and I want to congratulate all those involved in the exceptional results at Oakgrove School, and the wider team at the Kingsbridge Educational Trust. A level results can be the springboard for a whole career, so whether young people choose further study through university or an apprenticeship, or enter the world of work, they should be full of excitement about the next stage in their lives.”