Students’ Creative Artworks to Mark Armistice Day
11 November 2019
A display of ceramic poppies, clearly visible from the main road, has been put on display by Oakgrove School students to honour the armed forces who lost their lives during and since World War One.
From last year’s Armistice Day to this, students have worked on a variety of artworks, including a creation constructed with handmade felt poppies, which hangs in the school’s canteen, a piece using origami poppies crafted by the pupils and the ceramic artwork on display at the front of the school for the local community to enjoy.
“It is important that we remind our young people about those who have lost their lives in conflict and for them to understand what the poppy symbolises, said Oakgrove’s Headteacher, Ian Tett.
“We are delighted that people who pass the school can view the artwork, which the students have spent many hours producing. Their collage of poppies is especially beautiful when lit at night.”